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Dosha Yoga DVD From The Chopra Center

Dosha Yoga DVD From The Chopra Center

Dosha Yoga DVD

Dosha Yoga DVD

Ayurveda is the 5,000 year old “Science of Life” and is practiced hand-in-hand with Yoga and Meditation. Ayurveda is the art of living in harmony with nature, and it gives tools with which we can discover our own nature. By applying the principles of Ayurveda to her Yoga practice, Hemalayaa has created three unique routines to balance the doshas. These vinyasas help us get in touch with the energies that make up who we are. With the use of traditional and new yoga postures, mudras, mantras and therapeutic music for each dosha, Dosha Yoga brings us to a state of balance and bliss. Contains a guided routine for each dosha:Vata Dosha Yoga: warming and calming, this vinyasa incorporates moves from traditional Indian dance. Vata Dosha Yoga is gentle and flowing, perfect for the creative, and active, Vata dominant mind and body. Pitta Dosha Yoga: soothing and cooling, the Pitta Dosha Yoga routine brings us focus and clarity. This is a challenging vinyasa that helps to relieve stress, and works especially well for balancing fiery Pitta energy. Kapha Dosha Yoga: energizing and invigorating, the Kapha Dosha Yoga routine really gets us going! Lots of movement, this vinyasa helps us to build both strength and endurance.

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